Blueberry Port Cobbler

Blueberries were recently on sale at my grocery store–$5 for 2 pounds! This blueberry cobbler was the result. I had seen it just a few days prior on Soup Addict’s blog (who in turn took her inspiration from Paul Deen), switched out the Grand Marnier for Port and called it Rin Tin Tin.

Of course, this cobbler didn’t take care of all those blueberries, so I did what any other rational, sensient being would do and simply drowned the rest of them in heavy cream. With a sprinkling of sugar. Ahoy mateys! What ho! It looketh to me piratey eyes like we’ve spotted a cream-lovin’ land-lubber! With all that cream she will turn into blubber! Lubber-blubber! Oh hoh hoh and a bottle or rum!

I realize that little flight of fancy made no sense. For accuracy’s sake, please strike the ‘sensient’ and ‘rational’ descriptors above, and for heaven’s sake let’s move on before this post completely disintegrates into nonsense.


(Serves 6)

2 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen
3 TBS cup water
1 cup sugar, divided
1 TBS corn starch
1 TBS Port
1 pinch freshly ground nutmeg

4 TBS butter
3/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup milk

Yikes! I’m already forgetting ingredients.

This guy was hiding out in the liquor cabinet. Yo hoh hoh and a bottle of port, say I.

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Put the butter in a 1 1/2 quart baking dish, and place it in the oven to melt.

Grab yon cute yellow pot.

Pour in the berries, 1/2 of the sugar . . .

. . . and the water.

I should note that though I used 1/4 cup of water when I made it, I reduced the amount to 3 TBS in the printable recipe (linked at the bottom of the post) per Soup Addict’s recommendation. You’ll see why later.

Heat the fruit over medium high until it’s boiling, and add the cornstarch.

Stir in the cornstarch, and add the nutmeg . . .

. . . and port.

In fact, next time I’ll probably just substitute the water for port.

Now turn down the heat to low, and simmer it for 10 minutes.

Mix the flour, remaining 1/2 cup of sugar, baking powder, and salt in a small bowl, combining well so that there are no lumps.

(I gave it a quick sift with my fingers to make sure–no one wants a baking powder surprise hidden in the batter)

Add the milk in slowly, stirring vigorously, to prevent clumping.

Pour the flour/milk mixture into the baking dish over the melted butter. I should note that Soup Addict’s batter looked much thicker than mine. I have no idea why. I think I’ll blame the kitchen imps–the same ones that try to cause something to fall out of the freezer every time I open it. I’m not naming names–but they know who they are.

Don’t stir the batter and butter together! Just let them coexist–together, but separate.

Spoon the fruit over top, ladling in the syrup at the end.


And I love the deep magenta color of the berry syrup.

Mmmm. I want to bathe myself in it. Or possibly have a dress made in that exact shade.

Bake the cobbler for 40-50 minutes. The batter should rise to the top . . .

Mine didn’t.

It stubbornly decided to bake up differently than Soup Addict’s cobbler.

But it was still awesome.

The sides pulled away easily from the baking dish.

It’s the butter at work, I can tell you that much.

My cobbler turned out more like a berry sauce with floating bits of deliciously spongey cake. See? It’s like a (thick) fruit soup in there.

Not that I’m complaining, mind you. But this is the reason behind the after-the-fact reduction of the water to 3 TBS in the printable recipe, which will hopefully reduce the soupiness of yours.

Serve with ice cream!

It stores well in the fridge, and when you reheat it the next day, the cake is just as spongey.

Click here for printer-friendly version: Blueberry Port Cobbler

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24 Responses to Blueberry Port Cobbler

  1. Wendi says:

    Great use of the blueberries Jenna. PS I love that you have a grinder just for fresh nutmeg.

  2. Judy says:

    It will be so sad to see summer go, though I love autumn too. The berry cobblers, crisps, and ice creams have been wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Blueberries make for such beautiful desserts. That is lovely, Jenna.

  4. skippymom says:

    Oh goodness that looks decadent. Nicely done Jenna.

  5. Wow, that looks really yummy :-) Maybe the combo of water plus port instead of water plus liquor made it runnier? I really have no idea, just postulating a theory :-) Also, the kitchen imps also live in my house – bratty little things, aren’t they? :-)

  6. This looks absolutely delicious, and the color is beautiful!

  7. Oh wow, the photos are amazing and it looks delicious. Ridiculously cheap blueberries by the way – they are so expensive here. I can’t afford them :(

    • Jenna says:

      I hear you–they’re normally quite expensive here. I was back at the grocery a week after getting those on sale, and they were back up to something like $6 for a pint. Yikes!

  8. Sarah says:

    oooh looks delicious! im sure it smells great!

  9. Avast, you scurvy dog! Now I be cravin’ berry cobbler, blast ye!
    PS – Pirates love whipped cream on thars…or so I’ve heard.

  10. Twinky says:

    Scrumpdillyicious!! My problem is that I eat the blueberries fresh too quickly to make anything with them! They are so wonderful in homemade yogurt in the mornings and midday snacking by the handful….

  11. Veronica says:

    Ooh, looks delish, despite the crust not rising up and the soupiness. Do you eat leftover dessert for breakfast? I totally do.

  12. Wendy says:

    Our Korean student would love this. For some reason his eye doctor told him that eating blueberries would help his eyes. He is faithfully eating blueberries. The rest of us eat them because they are delicious. I like this recipe.

    • giselle says:

      I’ve heard blueberries are a superfood!! I think they’re supposed to have a ton of vitamins and stuff that’s good for you. =)

  13. This looks delicious, despite the fact that it might not have come out the way it was planned, it still looks really tasty. I can imagine it being really amazing warmed with ice cream. Yum!

  14. Kimby says:

    Blueberries and cream float my boat. (Your cobbler looks delicious, too, matey!)

  15. Tracy says:

    You can never go wrong with fruit and alcohol, hehe. I wish I had this for dessert right now!

  16. claire says:…. i need to make this… i mean i am willing to go to the farmers market to get blueberries after work for this… YUM!

    On another note, that toothpaste costume rules!

  17. Sara says:

    Love the use of port–wow! Thanks for stopping by our blog–I see you are one of three sisters too, it’s fun!

  18. My Italian Smörgåsbord (Aka Barbara) says:

    wow. this looks seriously delicious. will try it supersoon, thanks for sharing!

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