Pad See Ew

For years I pretty much only ordered curry from Thai restaurants–green curry, red curry, yellow curry, Panang curry–I loved (and love) them all. Then something happened. In May of this year, our Bible study leaders David and Beth ordered a smorgasbord of Thai food for our group. As I sampled all the new flavors and my taste buds sang a song of celebration, I realized that I had been shortsighted in my years of curry exclusivity. I’d been missing out on fantastic dishes such as Pad Kra Pao, Pad Woon Sen, and the awesomest of awesomes: Pad See Ew.

Pad See Ew has become one of our staple orders from what is hands down our favorite Thai restaurant in Chicago, Siam Noodle and Rice. At $6.50 for a dinner-sized portion, it’s a great deal and it has a fabulous flavor.

Pad See Ew is very simple: Chinese broccoli, wide noodles, pork, and egg are its main ingredients. I’ve been hankering to reproduce this dish at home for quite a while now. I even briefly considered accosting the owners of the restaurant and demanding a no-pay internship in their kitchen so that I could learn the secret of this dish. Though I have yet to take that bold step, my recent trip to Golden Pacific Market enabled me to make it at home. It’s not 100% like what we get at the restaurant, but it’s in the ballpark, which I am very happy with for now. Further experimentation will ensue, but I couldn’t withhold this from you until that future and possibly unattainable point of perfection . . . so here is an excellent version you can toss together in 20 minutes at home. Simple ingredients, minimal prep time, and quick cook time make this a great and interesting weeknight meal. An added plus–for you vegetarians out there, I have also made this substituting the pork chop with 2 extra eggs, and it’s equally fantastic. Let’s have at it!


(Serves 2)

2 TBS peanut oil

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 pork chop, thinly sliced

2 eggs, beaten

1 1/2 TBS sugar

2 TBS light soy sauce

2 TBS dark soy sauce

1 tsp fish sauce (optional)

1 lb fresh flat rice noodles

1 lb Chinese broccoli (can substitute kale or regular broccoli)

The dish comes together very quickly, so first prep all your ingredients: mince the garlic, thinly slice the pork, beat the 2 eggs together, and mix the two soy sauces, sugar, and fish sauce in a small bowl or cup.

Wash the Chinese broccoli–you can substitute kale (so I’ve been told) or regular broccoli, but this stuff is amazing and you should get your mitts on it if at all possible.

Now chop the broccoli in 2-inch slices.

You can use the broccoli stems if you split them lengthwise down the middle and then give them a rough dice, or you can just use the leaves.

Take the large flat noodle (which in my case, came in one big sheet) . . .

. . . and slice it into rectangles about the length and width of two fingers put together.

Make sure to peel the noodles apart so that they’re not stuck together. This is much easier to do if the noodles are room temperature, so if you can remember (I never do), take the noodle sheet out of the refrigerator an hour or so before you start making this.

Let’s get cooking! Heat the oil in a wok or large, deep skillet over medium-high heat. When very hot, add the garlic and fry for 30 seconds, stirring constantly.

Add the pork slivers and fry for another 1-2 minutes.

Very quickly, the pork will start to cook through:

While it’s still pink in places, add the noodles and stir to incorporate for another minute.

You’ll notice in the picture above that I hadn’t separated the noodles, thinking they would naturally come apart once they were heated. I was wrong, and this caused problems for me, but that’s why I’m here. To be your guinea pig. To help you avoid the pitfalls. So read my lips: all your noodles should be separated before you add them in!

Add the sauce mixture:

Stirfry for 2 minutes until well incorporated. Quick note–I’ve made the sauce both with and without the addition of fish sauce, and it’s really good both ways. Fish sauce is awesome and very important in Thai cooking, but its effects in this particular dish are very subtle and you may only notice its presence/absence if you’re really thinking about it.

Make a well in the middle of the pan or wok, and add the eggs.

Let them set into a half-cooked “omelette” before breaking them apart and stirring them into the dish.

Finally, add the broccoli stems (if you’re using them) and stirfry for a couple minutes before adding the leaves and stirring them in until wilted.

Give ‘er the old taste test, and if you like the dish sweeter or saltier or saucier, simply add a little more sugar and/or soy sauce.

Isn’t it beautiful? I love the bright green broccoli leaves.

Who would have though that such a simple sauce could create such a wonderful flavor?

*Note: Many recipes I found online include oyster sauce. I asked the owner of a Thai restaurant in town I frequent (Azha) about this, and he told me that their chef doesn’t use it. However, he does use a Thai sweet soy sauce, which I’ll be searching for on my next trip to Golden Pacific Market. The experimentation is not over, and if I find a better version you can be sure I will share it with you all!

Click here for printer-friendly version: Pad See Ew

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77 Responses to Pad See Ew

  1. Corinne says:

    I might try w/ tofu… looks so yummy! Thank you!!

  2. Looks gorgeous and sounds healthy/delicious!

  3. Angie says:

    Nom – looks delish!

  4. Circe says:

    I had no idea this was so easy, I’ll have to try it

    • Jenna says:

      I know–I was surprised too. I didn’t think it was possible for it to be so delicious and have such a depth of flavor with so few ingredients in the sauce, but there you have it!

  5. Mads says:

    Looks nummy. I love pretty much all thai food, but I always end up ordering pad thai…creatures of habit. :)

    Dig your blog! I’ll be back

  6. sheeba says:

    looks soo yummy:)

  7. Kat says:

    Thank you for the step-by-step! Absolutely gorgeous!

    Slash, I’ve never seen anyone slice up noodles like that before.

    I’m 100% positive that I need to learn how to cook these curries for myself so that I can get out of my “rut” when I’m at a Thai restaurant.

  8. Sarah says:

    looks so great! i love the flavors :)

  9. ooo, thanks for posting. I’m starving for lunch and it’s only 10 am!

  10. Sunflowerdiva says:

    Ooooh, yummy! :D

  11. Looks delicious! I’ll be trying this next week, thanks :)

  12. thefrenchchick says:

    I have to admit, when I first saw the title of the post I thought “why doesn’t this person like the look of Pad Thai?” Now I realize there is more to Thai food than curry and pad thai :) Thanks for posting the recipe.

    • Jenna says:

      You’re welcome! And for the record, I ADORE Pad Thai . . . it’s so, so, so tasty! I need to perfect my recipe for Pad Thai and share that asap as well. Thanks!

  13. enjoibeing says:

    my mouth is watering!!!!! must try this one out!

  14. criss says:

    wow. yummy. I can’t wait to try this.

  15. Holy crap. That looks amazing. I had no idea Thai cooking could be so simple. I’ll definitely give this a try!

  16. Nik Nik says:

    This looks so tasty and simple. I love Thai food! I’ve been trying to buy the flat noodles locally for months now, with no success. I think a trip to ‘the city’ is in order soon, so I can fulfill lots of Thai and Chinese food fantasies.

    I can’t imagine kale cooking as quickly as the leafy broccoli that you used. My experience is that its very tough unless steamed for 15 – 20 minutes. I wonder if stir frying it is the secret.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe and for the gorgeous photos.

  17. Pingback: Pad See Ew (via Jenna’s Everything Blog) « In islamic world Blog

  18. Crystal says:

    It looks absolutely beautiful! I always get nervous trying to duplicate any Asian cooking at home, but I’m going to give this one a shot. Thank you!

  19. calogeromira says:

    Pad See Ew, sauces and pork? It seems a very good recipe, but maybe this dish is difficult to prepare.

    • Jenna says:

      The hardest part may be finding that kind of noodle depending on where you live, since it’s probably only available in Asian or international grocery stores. However, it’s very easy to make! None of the steps are too complicated–just a little chopping and a little frying.

  20. ixult says:

    wow that looks delicious, very nice documented too, thanks

  21. Joy says:

    Hey there, I hope you have been enjoying more adventures in Thai food. You may have realized by now that ‘pork’ is not really a traditional ingredient in this dish. I was surprised to see you wrote that above. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and hope you don’t mind a ‘correction’. Enjoy Enjoy!

    • Jenna says:

      Thanks! I had no idea . . . the servers at the 3 places where I’ve now ordered this dish always asked me “Would you like chicken, beef, or pork?” and I just say “pork!” I had no idea it wasn’t traditional. I appreciate your comment!

  22. Shanna Van Norman Consulting & Coaching says:


  23. Wendi says:

    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed hon!

  24. LainaLain says:

    I am not a big fan of Asian cuisine but these pictures have my mouth watering.

  25. I love pad sew eww. It is my favorite meal at a thai restaurant. thanks for the info.

  26. rsmacaalay says:

    That looks extremely delicious, its even better than what you order in Thai restaurants!


  27. Cammi "The Ninja" Neko says:

    AWESOME!!! I love Asian food SOOOO much!!! But of coarse, ramen noddles and Teriyaki chicken beat all! ๏‿๏

  28. lochgarry says:

    Next time I am in Chicago on business, I will visit Siam Noodle and Rice.

    Thanks for sharing this recipe-looks delicious, except for one ingredient.
    Tofu would be my personal choice instead of pork, but it’s just my personal preference. I love tofu.

    Beautiful pictures as well. Take care and keeping sharing.

    • Jenna says:

      Thank you! I also love tofu and can’t wait to try it with that variation. I happen to have a block of firm tofu sitting in my fridge right now, hmmmm . . .

  29. JoeRoche says:

    Going to have to try this one, looks great :)

  30. Love Pad See Ew- except for the green stuff.

  31. Looks tasty!

    Congrats on being freshly pressed! :-)

  32. Tel says:

    Looks delicious! And, you’re right. One of the best cuisines worthy of exploration is Thai.

  33. graesther says:

    have you ever tried making phad thai? same procedure except for the ingredients.

  34. drooling, please cook for me!

  35. sngnhng says:

    Let’s try some others Thai food. If you like spicy, just add a few cayenne pepper,Vinegar ,You would love to try it one more times.. lol

  36. lilabyrd says:

    Thanks! that looks good and I am finding now that it’s mostly me now I want to try many other types of foods….I’ve been more adventurous than other family members so now is my time to experiment! I’ll be checking back for more. :}

  37. quotid says:

    Hi there! Awesome post about pad see ew and I love how you have pictures for your recipe, but also provide a printable version of it as well. Thank you very much and I can’t wait to try out your recipe!

  38. Mettlefiche says:

    Looks great. Here’s a suggestion to make it even better: Stir fry the noodles with oil, light and dark soy sauce (without the other ingredients) on high heat first, thoroughly coating the noodles with the light and dark soy sauce. Then remove from wok and let it sit for some time to absorb the flavors thoroughly. This extra step gives the noodles extra flavor and allows it to cook thoroughly without being soggy. Restaurants and road side stalls in South East Asia usually fry up a big batch ready for orders. Use the noodles as per your recipe when you are ready to cook your dish. Happy Cooking! :)

  39. BHavEEka says:

    I will definitely try this out, can I use other kind of sauce than fish sauce?
    Thank you!

    • Jenna says:

      You can simply skip the fish sauce and it actually doesn’t detract a lot from the flavor–I could barely tell a difference (which was surprising to me). Thanks for trying it!

  40. lendra says:

    pech.. masak’ane empane uuenak tenan mbak… he he he

  41. lendra says:

    its very nice.. you are creative girls.. succes for you

  42. laynechin says:

    crap, I feel hungry~~~

  43. Jirayu says:

    aw! my favorite menu.

    here in thailand you can take a big dish of pad see ew by cheaper than a dollar ;)

  44. Lizzie says:

    Thanks for sharing, it looks so yummy, will try it soon :)

  45. showspaces says:

    You can try Spring Greens rather than Chinese Broccoli — not sure how common they are outside the UK but have created marvellous bubble & squeak with them. Thanks for the recipe :)

  46. auntbethany says:

    I actually thought, by the title of your post, that you sampled a dish at a Thai restaurant and hated it (Pad see “ew”). I learn something new everyday!!

  47. Pingback: Thai cuisine | Walter's Greasy Spoon

  48. Leanne says:

    ooooh thanks for the great recipe – I really want to try a new kind of curry – this might well be it!!

    check out my blog!!



  49. Patty J says:

    I love this dish. I have been a fan for years. My fave thai restaurant is Noodles in the Pot in Lincoln Park. Can’t wait to try and make this! Thanks!

  50. I grew up in Thailand and Pad Se Ew is one of my favorite things to eat. Now that I live in the US, it’s really hard to find the ingredients to make it well. I will def. try your version. It looks pretty similar to what I used to eat on the streets of Bangkok all the time! Good job :)

    • Jenna says:

      Thank you so much! That’s very encouraging, since I wasn’t sure how authentic my version was. Of course I’d love to just go to Bangkok and eat it there for myself . . . =)

  51. nadhnada says:

    love that food !!! =D
    awesome blog …

  52. Tom Baker says:

    Looks delicious. It might only be a little after breakfast but I’m hungry again. The photography is amazing and I’m sure the food tastes as good as it looks. I’m a first time visitor but your site is great. I will be back and recommend your blog to my visitors. Have a great weekend.

  53. We had Thai food for dinner last night and while I didn’t order it, I used to LOVE pad see ew… I’m going to have to try this with tofu and seitan or something instead of eggs and pork! Gai lan is new to me as of late so any excuse to make/eat it is a good one. (Yes, thanks to your pictures it’s 8am and I want more Thai food.)

  54. sayitinasong says:

    Looks absolutely deliscious! You are an inspiration… I too always have the same trusted curries… (the indian variety mostly, I have not even ventured much to thai curries…) and this just makes me want to explore! :o). Great photos by the way abd very clear instructions. Thank you!

  55. thank you for all that information very nice article

  56. yumyumyum! that looks absolutely delicious and simple to make (even though i’m not sure i can do it…)

  57. Craig says:

    It sure looks good. I am retired in Thailand. I actually had this dish yesterday..My wife is just bringing in lunch..she recognizes the dish and says I eat “many times” and like it. By the way lunch is fried rice Kao Pad Gung Chiang …with Chinese sausage and vegetable with a lime slice.

  58. Your post made me VERY hungry! I am looking forward to giving this a try. YUMMY!!

  59. anthonymagro says:

    Easily my favourite Thai dish. I love the recipe and you’ve inspired me to cook it up for dinner.

  60. emcambi says:

    I started a blog about my adventures in the kitchen, as a newbie, and i was browsing WP when i came across this blog, and i feel intimidated, how i wish i could have a great blog like this, to see how amateurish i am, here is my blog,
    I really like to ccok, and i will make this blog as my model, great blog..

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