Baba Ghanoush

I love pretty much all of Ree’s recipes, and this one is no exception. Add to that the fact that it’s both vegan and (when served with corn chips) gluten free, and it’s also a great appetizer to keep in mind for anyone with dietary restrictions. Of course, all of that means nothing unless it’s delicious.

And this is delicious.


(Serves 6-8)

3 medium eggplants
4 TBS tahini
4 cloves garlic, finely minced
1/4 cup lemon juice
3 TBS good quality olive oil
1/3 cup parsley, minced
Salt, to taste
Chips, crackers or bread, to serve

Prick each eggplant with a fork until the surface is covered with holes.

‘Bout like so.

Place the eggplants under a broiler (or on a grill) and cook for 30-40 minutes, until blackened, turning occasionally.

Ree says that when you think they’re blacked enough, blacken them some more.

I trust Ree. After drinking her wine and bathing in her bathtub, I kind of have no choice.

Once the eggplants are very schmooshy, let them cool. When they’re cool enough to handle, scoop the eggplant flesh into a bowl with a spoon, discarding the skins.

This part is gross and messy. The term ‘eviscerating’ comes to mind, and you will strongly consider becoming a vegetarian.

Oh wait–this is a vegetable.

Discard the skins . . . and discard your memories of handling those slimy innards too, while you’re at it.

It’s going to be delicious once it’s all over–I promise.

Using a fork, mash the eggplant.

If you think the texture is going to wig you out, you can give it a few pulses in a food processor for a smoother consistency. Personally, I like a little texture in my dip.

Whack the cloves of garlic and remove the skins.

Then, mince it or squeeze it directly into the eggplant with your handy-dandy garlique press.

Measure out that delectable, nutty tahini (essentially a sesame seed puree) . . .

. . . and add that into the eggplant.

Squeeze in the lemon juice . . .

. . . drizzle in the olive oil . . .

 . . . give the parsley a quick wash-and-chop . . .

. . . and add that in, too.

Stir in a good amount of salt, tasting as you go so that it’s perfectly seasoned (you don’t want to undersalt this!).

Mix ‘er all up, and serve with chips, pita bread, a baguette, crackers, or whatever bread-type product strikes your palate’s fancy that day.

Mmm. Let’s load up a chip, shall we?

If you must know, I feasted on this while watching ‘My So-Called Life,’ which by the way is an amazing series and I can’t believe it only ran for one season!

My husband was out of town, and the dose of Baba Ghanoush + Claire Danes hit exactly the right spot. I mean, if I have to be lonely and comfort myself with Netflix instant play, I can think of no better accompaniment than a bowl of dip . . . followed by a bowl of mush . . . followed by a bowl of popcorn. Bowls, bowls, bowls.

I know. It’s so cliché to comfort oneself with food. But this is a pretty healthy way to do it. And see how creamy it is?

This is one of those appetizers that’s there one minute . . . *chomp!*

. . . and gone the next.

So fresh. So garlicky. I sweated garlic for the next 2 days.

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17 Responses to Baba Ghanoush

  1. I’m no eggplant lover, but I tried a store made version of this dip a while back and was surprised that I liked it. I am sure a fresh version is even better! :-)

  2. I have to admit, I’ve never tried this or even thought about making it, but just saying the name “Baba Ghanoush” makes me happy enough that I’m considering it. :)

  3. Vicki DeArmeyv says:

    I definitely will try this. Never thought of egg plant being a “winner” for a dip, but then again I have had many surprises with foods lately that I never would have tried making recipes with.
    Do you think cilantro would be okay to replace the parsley or is that too strong of a flavor?

  4. I love baba ghanoush. I used to live near Detroi, MI which is home to the largest middle eastern community in the US. They had the best baba ganoush I had ever tried, till recently. The Turk who owns the restaurant where I bellydance also makes a great version. I may try this though, when my eggplant ripens. Thanks for the recipe!

  5. Wendy says:

    Where did you find the small container of Tahini? I made this last winter and there is just so much Baba ghanoush one can eat (even if one takes it to an event) and the very large jar of Tahini (which was all I could find) went bad — or at least I assumed it did. It does look good!

  6. Veronica says:

    I want to try this. I have not had baba ganouj at restaurants that I liked because it was so over-the-top smoky. I have a feeling homemade would be better! And I’m SO all about that dips. I could live off dip.

  7. NanaBread says:

    Uhhhh….Jenna? I think someone done throwed up on yer purdy purple tore-tilla chips.
    Just kidding. I love eggplant! I may have to make this for dinner soon with some gyro-style sandwiches and hummus. It’s not the prettiest dish (by far), but it sure is tasty! The blue corn tortilla chips make it prettier. If that helps.

    • Jenna says:

      Haha! I know–it was challenging to make the baba ghanoush look anything akin to delicious. Some foods were just never meant to be photographed–just scarfed down. =)

  8. Tracy says:

    I love snacks like these to munch on while I’m watching TV. I’ll definitely have to try this one!

  9. Twinky says:

    …and speaking of garlic, I took your advice and now whack the cloves with the bottom of a can of vegies or tomato sauce to loosen the garlic skins instead of using the flat of a knife blade (as I have done for 30 years…). This looks quite interesting. One of these days…….. when we’re back from Spain? And does that bottle of Spanish virgen olive oil look like it is almost out??? I need to send you some more!

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